Friday, October 24, 2014

Colonial Change 1918-1950

Reading Questions for AFRICANS, Chapter 10:

Economic Change
  • What was the major consequence of Africa's colonial period? 
  • What's a lorry, and what effects did it have?
  • What trades grew and which ones collapsed?
  • How did agriculture change in this period?
  • What were the impediments to capitalism? (p. 224)
  • What happened with European agriculture?
  • Why did Africans become migrants, and what effects did migration have? (pp. 225ff)
  • What were African expectations and realities of urban life?
  • What were consequences of the Great Depression in Africa?
Education and Religion
  • What was the draw of education? 
  • What was the main distinction between Indian and African education outcomes?
  • Why were young people attracted to Christianity?
  • How did Christianity interact with indigenous practices and traditions?
  • Why did independent churches come about?
  • How did the Islam contrast with Christianity in this period? (p. 236)
  • How did indigenous religions adapt?
  • What kinds of movements became a characteristic of the colonial period?
Political Change
  • What transformed Africa's politics? 
  • Were colonial powers interested in maintaining control or transferring it to Africans?
  • What is the Muslim Brotherhood, and where and when was it founded?
  • What led to terrorist violence in Tunisia and militant insurrection in Algeria?
  • What was the fate of Italy's colonies after after WW II?
  • Who is Haile Selassie? Why is he important in Jamaica? Look him up here.
  • What were the two major political levels in Africa? Why?
  • What/who fostered tribal identities and why?
  • Given that "territorial boundaries and identities were colonial creations," what did Africans focus political action on instead?
  • Why did WW II focus African politics towards nationalism, and what were the main challenges nationalists faced?
  • What was the Mau Mau guerrilla war? Look it up here.
  • Why was Britain afraid of Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland joining South Africa?
The Family

  • How did some young men gain greater freedom, and how did the old respond?
  • Did the status of women change? (check region by region)
  • Overall was there more change or more continuity in family relationships in the 20th century?
Health and Demography
  • What was the most important consequence of colonial occupation? 
  • What reduced mortality in times of famine?
  • What was the focus of European medicine?
  • Who were colonial Africa's "chief reservoir of misery"? What was the source of the problem?
  • Was increased birthrate or a declining deathrate the dominant mechanism in population growth?
  • What reduced infant mortality?

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Reading Questions for SHORT, Chapter 5:
  • How was colonial rule in Africa different from colonial rule in Latin America?
  • How has the study of the colonial period changed?
  • What are the "key facts" about European conquest?
  • Who resisted the Europeans? (see alsoAFRICANS,  p. 201)
  • What/who facilitated the conquest?
  • What's special about Ethiopia?
  • What was the Maji Maji rebellion? (see also AFRICANS, p. 202)
  • The "first successful human rights campaign of the 20th century" targeted what?
  • What impact did WW I have?
  • How did French and British approaches to controlling colonies differ?
  • Why did some Africans embrace colonialism?
  • How did Europeans run Africa "on the cheap"?
  • What caused widespread social change? (p. 106)
  • Define "ornamentalism."
  • What explains, in part, the political authoritarianism of contemporary Africa?
Reading Questions for AFRICANS, Chapter 9: 
  • How did Britain manipulate other European countries (p. 196) and interests (p. 197) in Africa?
  • What brought about the Anglo-Boer War and what were its outcomes and costs?
  • Who made up most colonial armies? (p. 199)
  • What was more burdensome than taxes?
  • Who were the most powerful Africans in colonial Africa? (pp. 205f)
  • What did European governments handle and what did they leave to private enterprise? (p. 209)
  • Which region experienced the most brutal exploitation and why?
  • What effect did railroad building have?
  • Why was famine such an issue during the early colonial period?
Video from this week's class can be found on-line here.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Midterm Questions II

The Midterm Exam will be on Wednesday, 10/15. It will consist of three (3) essay questions that will cover broad themes of African history. The questions will require you to include evidence from more than one chapter of the textbook. The questions will take 15 minutes to answer on average. The exam will be open-book and open-note. 

The questions for the midterm are
  1. What have been the obstacles to population growth in Africa and the strategies people have adopted to overcome those obstacles?
  2. Where and why have Christianity and Islam taken hold in Africa?
  3. Outline slavery and slave trading throughout African history.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Midterm Questions

Here are the four we considered in class today:
  1. What has been the impact of outsiders?
  2. Contrast regions of Africa just before the Scramble for Africa (Chapter 10)
  3. What role has climate and environment played in African human population and societies?
  4. How/where have Christianity and Islam taken hold in Africa and how have they related to indigenous belief systems?
These are possibly too broad. Here are questions from previous semesters:
  • How are Africans and African societies diverse? 
  • Outline the history and processes of the Atlantic slave trade.
  • What were the consequences of Abolition?
  • Compare the Dutch and British in the history of southern Africa.
  • Describe the influences and adaptations of Islam in Africa.
  • What were the obstacles to population growth in Africa?
  • What impact did long distance trade imports have on Africa?
  • Why was Africa slow to develop complex states?
  • What are the central themes of African history and the methods and disciplines used for African history? 
I would like to throw in a question about the history of all slavery in Africa rather than just the Atlantic slave trade.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Nineteenth Century & Regional Diversity

On Friday we will discuss and decide what essay questions will be on the midterm exam. In your own best interest, please give it some thought ahead of time.

Check out
 this map- that Jean-Paul found--it is particularly pertinent for this chapter.

Reading Questions for AFRICANS, Chapter 8:
  • Northern Africa: What was the chief reason for demographic stagnation? 
  • How did Muhammed Ali change Egypt? What did the British do about it? 
  • What did a strong Egypt mean for the Sudan?
  • What was notable about Ethiopia in this period?
  • Why did the French invade Algeria? What were the initial effects of the conquest?
  • How did attempts to modernize effect Tunisia and Morocco?
  • The West African Savanna: This was a period of political fragmentation but huge growth in what?
  • What was the most important event in nineteenth-century West Africa?
  • Why was the Sokoto Caliphate able to endure?
  • What made Hausaland the most prosperous region in tropical Africa?
  • How did slavery there contrast with South African estate slavery?
  • Southern Africa: Who created a large Zulu kingdom, and how did he do it? 
  • In contrast, how did the Sotho-Tswana people overcome segmentation? How did they resist white aggression?
  • How was the Lesotho kingdom created?
  • Why did the Britain introduce 5000 British settlers into the Eastern Cape in 1820?
  • What was the "Great Trek"? 
  • What is "Cape liberalism"?
  • How did the Africans view missionaries? What about the Zulu king?
  • What may have aided growth in South Africa?
  • How did the discovery of diamonds change the political situation?
  • Eastern Africa: What role did the Oman play in East Africa and what effect did it have on Swahili culture? 
  • What were the main imports and exports, and how were they transported?
  • Why did Livingstone say that eastern Africa was the open sore of the world?
  • What beneficial effects did long-distance trade have?
  • What was most responsible for population decline?
  • What was the context for the ensuing colonial rule of Africa?