Saturday, August 30, 2014

History & Archaeology

Reading Questions AFRICANS, Chapters 1-3:

(1) The frontiersmen of mankind

  • According to Iliffe, what are the central themes of African history?
  • Why was Africa underpopulated until the later 20th century?
  • What effects did the African environment have on ideologies and social organization?
  • How did European innovations lead to the late 20th century crisis in Africa? 
  • What is "the thread that ties African history together"? 
  • Besides archaeological evidence, what can we use to uncover the pre-literate past?

(2) The emergence of food-producing communities

  • What are the important developments of the Microlithic period?
  • List the four ancient language families of Africa and who spoke them.
  • What led some Africans to begin producing food? What food? When?
  • Describe the expansion/dispersal of Bantu speakers.

(3) The impact of metals

  • Don't look for very much about metals until page 33.
  • Why did so little Egyptian culture spread to the rest of the continent?
  • What's so important about Iron for Sub-Saharan Africa?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The True Size of Africa

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or go to article
Reading questions for Chapter 1 of Short, "The Idea of Africa":

  • Why does the book say that African history is a very new topic?
  • Who created the idea of Africa and where does the word "Africa" come from?
  • What do different texts books and scholars  include or leave out of a definition of Africa and its history?
  • How did the diaspora help shape the idea of Africa? (define diaspora and pan-Africanist)
  • Briefly describe the physical landscape of Africa.
  • How has the Sahara desert changed and what effects did the change have on people/history?
  • What's so amazing about Jenne-Jeno?