Friday, October 10, 2014

Midterm Questions

Here are the four we considered in class today:
  1. What has been the impact of outsiders?
  2. Contrast regions of Africa just before the Scramble for Africa (Chapter 10)
  3. What role has climate and environment played in African human population and societies?
  4. How/where have Christianity and Islam taken hold in Africa and how have they related to indigenous belief systems?
These are possibly too broad. Here are questions from previous semesters:
  • How are Africans and African societies diverse? 
  • Outline the history and processes of the Atlantic slave trade.
  • What were the consequences of Abolition?
  • Compare the Dutch and British in the history of southern Africa.
  • Describe the influences and adaptations of Islam in Africa.
  • What were the obstacles to population growth in Africa?
  • What impact did long distance trade imports have on Africa?
  • Why was Africa slow to develop complex states?
  • What are the central themes of African history and the methods and disciplines used for African history? 
I would like to throw in a question about the history of all slavery in Africa rather than just the Atlantic slave trade.

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